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Sutton-on-Sea Bowling Club

Rules for Bowling During Coronavirus Restrictions from Monday 19 April 2021

(using guidance from Bowls England)

Any breach of these rules will result in membership being withdrawn


  1. Only Full Members may bowl

  2. Members may only bowl by booking a rink using the booking system (see PLAYING ARRANGEMENTS details below) which will be run by Ernie Kenney.

  3. Access to the clubhouse is allowed for the ladies toilet, to collect the key for the gents’ toilet or to look at the Competition Noticeboard.

4.    Until restrictions allow members MUST NOT gather in the clubhouse – this restriction may be lifted on 17 May and then the Rule of 6 will apply

  1. Social distancing rules must be observed at all times.

  2. There will be a one way system on site – separate entrance and exit gates

  3. Members arriving to bowl should observe social distancing whilst waiting for their rink.  Members who have finished bowling should leave straight away.

  4. No visitors or spectators are allowed

  5. There is NO access to any bowling equipment with the exception of the small mats and jacks that have been left out for members to use.  Members must use their own bowls

10 Mats and jacks will be available from a bucket containing disinfectant and should be

     replaced here. 

     before bowling starts, to prevent damage to the green.

11 Hand sanitiser will be available

12 Normal club dress code rules apply when playing



  1. A maximum of 3 rinks will be available at any time.  Play will be on alternate rinks (1, 3, 5 or 2, 4, 6) keeping an empty rink between rinks that are being played on which will enable social distancing between players. Your rink will be identified to you when you book and you must not change rinks.

  2. There should be no more than 6 people on a single rink

    • Individuals can bowl on their own on a rink

    • 2 members from same/different households can play on a rink (singles)

    • Up to 6 members from the same/different household can play on a rink (doubles or triples)

  3. Rinks may be booked by ringing Ernie Kenney on 01507 442577 between 4 pm and 6 pm

  4. Rinks will be available for the following times:

10:30, 12:00, 1:30, 3:00, 4:30 and 6:00.  The green will close at 7.15 pm

On days when grounds maintenance is carried out the green will not open until1:30.

You will be advised when you ring to book which day/s this is.

  1. Play will be for 1 hour 15 minutes to allow for bowlers to return jack and mat, change shoes and leave the site before bowlers arrive for the following session


  1. Ernie will keep a record of any individual wishing to play against another – and “match” people                                                                                 â€‹


Until restrictions allow members MUST NOT gather in the clubhouse – this restriction may be lifted on 17 May and then the Rule of 6 will apply


Members should take any rubbish home with them


Members should not bowl if they have Coronavirus symptoms, and if they develop symptoms after bowling should inform Ernie to assist with any track and trace requirements.


A record of who has bowled and when will be kept for the duration of this period.


On returning home members should wash bowling equipment and thoroughly wash hands.



Any changes to the above rules will be communicated by notices on the window of the club house – please check here before bowling.


Website design: © 2023 Sutton-on-Sea Bowling Club  - All rights reserved.   For any content Issues Contact: Kim Hoey

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